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Asia New Bay Area 5G AIoT Innovation Park delivers 2022 report card

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2023-01-10
  • View count:245

The output value of Taiwan’s Asia New Bay Area 5G AIoT Innovation Park in the southern city of Kaohsiung exceeded NT$ 32.7 billion (US$1.07 billion) in 2022, according to the Ministry of Economic Affairs Jan. 4.

In a statement, the MOEA said the park underscores the government’s commitment to accelerating digital transformation of the manufacturing supply chain. It attracted NT$15.4 billion (US$504 million) of investment from domestic and foreign companies by the end of last year, the ministry added.

Launched by the MOEA, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, National Development Council, National Communications Commission, Ministry of Culture and Kaohsiung City Government, the project has expedited development of the 5G AIoT ecosystem in Kaohsiung and the Kaohsiung Software Park Phase II Development Program, the MOEA said.

In addition to the establishment of local offices by 18 major manufacturers such as Compal Electronics, Wistron, AUO Corp. and Asus Cloud Corp., the park has also attracted three world-class accelerators, namely BE Accelerator, Foodland Ventures and flyingVest Ventures, to set up shop in the southern city.

Asia New Bay Area 5G AIoT Innovation Park is a major part of the government’s Great South, Great Development policy, which aims to spur growth in southern Taiwan. (DL-E)

Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw
(Ref. Taiwan Today https://taiwantoday.tw)

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