White Paper about Citizen Services
- Publication Date :
- Last updated:2020-06-10
- View count:1472
I. Introduction
“Convenience, Service and Efficiency” is the service aim and direction in which our prison always believes.
We sincerely keep the faith of providing citizen services so as to realize society’s expectations and
We simply use this “White Paper for Citizen Services” to illustrate our services and measures in the hope
that you will have a clear understanding about our prison’s services so that you can achieve the quickest
service. We are enthusiastically looking forward to your support and encouragement, because your comments
and suggestions will be the motivation to improve our prison’s services.
II. Our Work
Our prison admits the following inmates: A. Inmates charged by the Hualien Branch, Taiwan High Prosecutors
Office and the Taiwan Hualien District Prosecutors Office for more than six months. B. Other inmates that
meet the prerequisite stipulations of prison transfers are also housed here. Our main duties include criminal
correction, guard and control, edification and education, assistance and guidance, skills training, sanitation
and health, progressive corrective treatment and parole, etc., in order to promote effective reformation and
III. Convenient Services for Citizens
A. Single Window
1. Services involve registration of visitors, money, articles and food delivery, procurement and
2. Services involve inmate’s family’s application for imprisonment certificate, home visits, takingback money and articles under custody and paying rehabilitation fee.
3. Service dealing with petition cases.
4. For other services, please phone: 03-8537934
The environment of single window The sign of single window
B. Procedure of Single Window Services for Citizens
Explanation of the procedure:
1.Sign in for visit or other applications.
2.Show ID card and fill out the application forms.
3.Hand the forms to single window staff on duty.
4.Finish registration and enter the meeting room in order. Contact relevant sections to deal with
IV. Service Standard
Our information desk and staff of any section must conduct services for citizens with sincerity, enthusiasm
and efficiency so as to provide the most rapid and convenient services.
A. Services involve registration of visitors, money, articles and food delivery, procurementand enquiry: Dealing immediately upon your arrival.
B. Service for inmate’s family’s application for imprisonment certificate: Dealt with immediately
upon your arrival.
C. Service dealing with petition cases:
1. Dealt with immediately upon your arrival.
As long as you come to our prison during office hours, our staff will treat you sincerely andlisten to your petition with patience. If it is a case that we can handle immediately, it will be
arranged quickly. For cases that we cannot handle immediately, we will explain to the
applicants politely and transfer them to relevant sections to deal with them as soon as
2. Telephone , Fax or E-mail petition cases
For simple cases of telephone petition which can be handled immediately, our staff will givestraightforward answers on the phone. For cases that cannot be handled immediately, they
will be reported and sent to relevant sections to deal with them as soon as possible.
3. If the petition cases have not been answered immediately, the time limit will be set depending
on the nature of the business. The time limit will be based on Directions for the Executive Yuan
and Affiliated Agencies Dealing with the People's Petition Cases, and the petitioners will be
informed about the results within 30 days.
D. Service for Other Enquiries: Dealt with immediately upon your arrival.
V. Measures of Convenient Services for Citizens
A. Enhancing Visit Service
1. General Regulations about Visit
a. Meeting frequency:
1. Fourth level inmates: once a week.
2. Third level inmates: once four days.
3. Second level inmates: once three days.
4. First level inmates: unrestricted.b. Who can visit the inmates:
1. Fourth level inmates and people receiving rehabilitation treatment are allowed to meetwith their closest relatives and family members.
2. Third, second and first level inmates are allowed to meet with non-relatives (friends).c. Visitor numbers: Up to three visitors at a time.
d. In order to strengthen ties between the inmates and the family and improve the quality of
visitation services, we now allow family members between the age of 5-12 years old to visit
inmates. This is an addition to the maximum visits of three members per session (only for
third-degree relatives between the age of 5-12 years old).
2. Telephone Meeting
If inmates have special needs in the following situations, meaning that they must contacturgently with relatives, who cannot come to the prison in person, it is permitted to have a
telephone meeting as a special favour (but inmates who were deprived of meeting by
prosecutors and judges or who are still under inspection due to disobedient behavior are
not allowed to have a telephone meeting):
a. Inmates’ grandparents, parents, spouse or children have some severe illness for the time
b. Inmates’ family suffers natural disaster or a serious adversity.
c. Inmates’ family are too far, too old, disabled, or too poor to come for a visit.
d. Inmates must contact with the family for solutions due to other urgent matters.
3. Distant Meeting:
If inmates’ family cannot come for a visit due to distance, illness or disability, they can meet
with the inmates using a web camera provided in each local prison.
a. Eligibility :
Inmates’ family and closest relative, such as spouse, direct blood relatives, collateral bloodrelatives of third rank, and affinity relatives of second rank.
b. Document Required:
Documents that prove the relationship with inmates, such as an original copy or photocopyof household registry.
c. Distant Meeting Application Form:
Please download the form from the website of the Ministry of Justice(https://eservice.moj.gov.tw/lp.asp?ctNode=23461&CtUnit=6504&BaseDSD=27&mp=275&xq_xCat=1) or our
prison’s(http: //www.hld.moj.gov.tw)→Services for Citizens→Download
d. Application Procedure:
1. Fill out application form and submit it together with documents required one week beforemeeting. Use registered mail or fax to inmates’ corrective institute (see attachment) to
make application.
2. After examination by inmates’ corrective institute, applicants will receive a reply viaphone,letter or email, and will be informed of a date and time.
3. After receiving reply, applicants may bring ID card to the meeting room in the correctiveinstitute at the arranged time. After filling in the “Distant Meeting Register Form”, he/she
can use internet equipment to have a distance meeting with inmate.
e. Distance Meeting in Our Prison
Fax: (03)-8530390
Hot Line: (03)-8532352
4. Making Appointment by Telephone:
In order to shorten the arranging and waiting time for inmates’ family, they can make anappointment by telephone in advance.
Application Procedure:
a. Inmates’ family which has got meeting record already can make an appointment inadvance.It is limited to three visitors each time, and no reservation can be made for
b. Time Table for Meeting during Monday to Friday
Morning: 09: 00, 09: 40, 10: 20, 11: 00
Afternoon: 14: 00, 14: 40, 15: 20, 16: 00c. Reservation Line: 03-8537934
5. Cleaning the meeting room and waiting room everyday, and providing facility, such as
public phone, air conditioner, drinking machine, desks and chairs, pen and paper, magazines,
and Services for Citizens Booklets, for inmates’ family visitors.
6. Example of application form is provided in the meeting room for inmates’ family’s reference.
If inmates’ family is illiterate or disabled, our staff in the meeting room will be happy to
provide assistance.
7. Application for meeting and food delivery has been simplified to shorten the application time,
so as to make the procedure more smooth and to improve service quality.
8. When inmates’ family make an application for a visit, apart from the first time of making
application when ID cards are required for checking, they can use other documents to prove
their identity as long as this is permitted.
9. Initially the fourth-level inmates (including non-level inmates) and people receiving
rehabilitation treatment cannot meet their fiancée; applications have to be made every time
before meeting.This does not accord with the goal of Convenient Services for Citizens. In
order to simplify the application procedure to make inmates repent and mend their ways and
improve themselves, as long as the applicants have approval granted by the head of Li and
have been permitted by our prison, the fiancée does not have to make application for a visit
every time.
10. A notice board in the meeting room.
a. It provides important information about our prison’s administration.
b. It publicizes the meeting time table for national holiday in advance.
c. It provides information about the single window hot line at the Department of Corrections,Ministry of Justice and service content for the public’s convenience to enquire and manage
petition cases.
B. Procedure of Arranging for an Article (Parcel) Sent in
First the inmates must make an application for articles to be sent in, and after permission, a
“List of Parcel by Post” will be given. Then Inmates’ family should send items listed on the list
and attach the list on the parcel cover. If no application was made in advance or the items are
different from the list, the inmates should pay the postage to return the parcel. All parcels will
be unpacked and checked by our staff before being handed to the inmates.
C. Simplified Procedure of Application for Imprisonment Certificate
Inmates or their family can come to our prison in person or download forms form “Services for
Citizens” on our website when they need an imprisonment certificate. (Our website: http: //www.
D. Community Service Group is set and receives application from relevant units within the district.
The service group participates in local associated service, and adopted Gancheng Sect, Taiwan
Road 9 Line C, to prune trees and clean community environment regularly, so as to complete a
neighbor-friendly work.
E. In the waiting room, there is an administrative reformation mailbox, a prosecution hot line, the
single window hot line at the Department of Corrections, Ministry of Justice and several other c
ommunication channels to receive voice broadly as a reference for improving our work.
VI. Service Hour
A. General Administration Affairs
Monday to Friday, A.M. 08: 00~12: 00 and P.M. 13: 30~17: 30.
B. Office Hour for Application for Visit
1. Monday to Friday and every first Sundays, A.M. 08: 00~11: 00 and P.M. 13: 30~16: 00.
2. For continuous holidays and festivals, notices will be posted in advance.
VII. Our Promise
A. Our staff will carry out services for citizens with the goal of “enthusiasm, efficiency and quality”.
B. We modify and simplify work procedures, and ask staff to “deal immediately upon your arrival”with applicants’ applications.
C. We strictly ask our staff to understand work procedures and contents and receive latest news soas to provide applicants with the quickest and most correct information.
D. We have sympathy toward the applicants and solve problems by the “mutual communication”principle.
E. We value comments and suggestions from the public and accept critics honestly so as to meet theneed of the public.
VIII. The Correspondence Method of Our Prison
If you are unhappy about our services or our staff are not polite in treating you or in answering the
phone, or if our staff did not reply to cases without explanation, or our staff disobey civil servant’
regulations, please tell us. We will correct our mistake and give you a satisfactory answer. If you
have any new opinions or reformation ideas, please tell us for our reference.
Our address: No.700, Sect. 6 Ji-an Road, Ji-an Township, Hualien County 97362, Taiwan.
Hot line:
Secretary Office: 03-8525105
Guard and Control Section: 03-8532352
Civil Service Ethics Office: 03-8524302
Our website: (http: //www.hlp.moj.gov.tw).
E-mail: (hlpb@mail.moj.gov.tw).