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Hualien Prison, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


Investigation and Classification

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2022-06-22
  • View count:2421

A. Regarding the photos of new inmates:
  According to the regulations, new inmates should be photographed as soon as they arrive in prison. These photos should be kept in their files. All in all there are six photos of every inmate, including 3 above-waist photos (front, right side and left side) before entering the prison and the other 3 full-face photos (front, right and left side) when coming into the prison.

B. Regarding to investigation of new inmates:

  1. Direct investigation:
    Direct investigation means that from every office the staff in charge conducts face-to-face investigations when new inmates are admitted. He/she directly asks inmates questions and keys the answers into a computer database. These questions are classified into: Basic Information, Physical Condition, Crime Motivation, Psychological Condition, Profession, After-Care and Observations, etc.

Investigation on new inmates

Investigation on new inmates


Description provisions for new inmates

Description provisions for new inmates

  2. Indirect investigation:
    Indirect investigation means to mail questionnaires to the families of our inmates and their local police stations. We ask for their assistance to fill them out or find out the answers to the questions. Then they mail the list back. This is how we collect information on inmates. The collected relevant information will be taken as the reference point for correction institutions to classify inmates.

  3. Regarding introductory lecturing about the prison to new inmates:
    We help our new inmates to know about life in the correction institution and to get used to it as quickly as they can. We also help them to know their rights and obligations, as well as the rules of the prison. All new inmates are supposed to take such introductory lecturing. Apart from providing a manual for new inmates, the introductory lecturing is made into videotapes for our new inmates.

  4. Regarding the psychological testing of new inmates:
    Based on different terms of penalty and educational needs, new inmates are given different psychological devices. These questionnaires/tests include a brief health questionnaire; a health, personality, habits and career questionnaire; Raven’s Progressive Matrices, etc.


Psychological Testing

Psychological Testing

  5. Regarding all direct and indirect matters of our inmates after leaving prison and their after-care issues:
    We hope to continue to see a corrective impact upon our inmates. We expect them not to committee the same crime. So there are frequent contacts between correction and protection units. Hopefully, their close cooperation gives overall helpful influences on our inmates. Thus, our inmates would like to cultivate virtues and become better people. Therefore, all correction institutions should reinforce their after-care and protection tasks. There should be more communications between after-care institutions and us. In addition, we will as make good use of social resources to hold different activities such as in-prison counseling, speeches on different topics, employment counseling, after-care promotion (transportation assistance, giving a ride home, settlements and so on).


Individual counseling

Individual counseling

Group counseling

Group counseling


Individual counseling

Individual counseling


Group counseling

Group counseling



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